Wednesday, June 24, 2009

There's Nothing Wrong with being the Optimist

I am a whole hearted defender of the optimist in every situation. I am always the faithfully optimistic one with my eyes on the future and improvement of things. I am used to dealing with those who don't see the world the way I do. I can absolutely see how people could get bogged down and view the world as a bleak place, but what's the point? There's nothing wrong with being the optimist. I've found that I'm a much happier person for my optimistic streak. Education is absolutely a place where optimism belongs above all others. How can we expect our students to believe in themselves if we don't? My grandmother used to tell me that if you believe you can do something you can. That same principle applies to being optimistic as a teacher. If you believe things can be better, or a person can be better, often the results will surprise you. I believe an educators job is to inspire and encourage greatness, not shatter dreams because they are unrealistic. Part of childhood is dreaming, and part of our jobs as teachers will be to give students the tools to achieve whatever their dreams may be.

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