Monday, July 20, 2009

The End

As EDM 310 is coming to an end, I am asked to reflect on the class as a whole, and I can't think of anything negative to say. This was my first college computer class, and one of my first classes in the College of Education. I must admit that coming into this class I was dreading it just a little bit, because of its position in my college career. However, this class has been a very enjoyable experience for me for more reasons than one.
I have always been pretty savvy with computers, but I had never ventured into the realms I was forced to explore in EDM 310. I most enjoyed the blogging process with both my class blog and my professional blog. It was great to finally learn how to create one on my own, and I have thoroughly enjoyed having a place to post my own personal thoughts on current educational practices. I was always a little bit indifferent to things like blogging before this class, but with the creation of my professional blog, I now see how beneficial and important blogs can be when used correctly and for the right reasons.
I have to admit that everything I learned in this class was new to me, and I have already benefitted from every bit of the knowledge gained in this course. EDM 310, I can also safely say, was fun on some days! I loved learning how to use Audacity to create podcasts. However, in my opinion the best thing about this class was the no test policy. Aside from the fact that all of my other classes were running me into the ground to study for a test every week,because it's the shorter summer semester and this class provided a welcome break, I actually learned more without the pressure of a test every week. I realize that the method used in this class wouldn't work as well in others, but in a technology class I feel that the best way to learn is to do! I have really enjoyed my experience in EDM 310 and I will continue to use the new technologies I learned here in both my personal and my professional life.

Thank you!

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