Monday, June 22, 2009

What Would We Say

As teacher's what would we say if presented with these same questions? I think it would be great for all teachers to have to answer these questions. Whether it be for professional development or just a little reminder of why they get up every day for school, I think teachers would benefit from taking time to come up with answers to those three questions. 
If I were brave, I would have my students much more engaged in technology in the classroom, and assign projects to help them learn rather than solely focusing on testing. I will love teaching for many reasons, but mostly for my students and the reward of touching their lives for the better. One way I would love to make my school unique is by finding grant money to make art and music education available again at the elementary level, because studies show that art and music increase classroom performance. Sadly, with budget deficits, things like art and music are the first to be cut. 
I also think that in addition to answering the three questions, teachers should be challenged to but their beliefs into action. 

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